Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts (QLACs) were created from a US Treasury Department ruling in July of 2014.

This specific ruling took a look at a common issue for many qualified account holders and solved that issue through the creation of a QLAC. The ruling made the purchase of Deferred Income Annuities with tax qualified funds a more attractive option (qualified funds includes IRAs or 401k accounts).

Before July of 2014, the only way to purchase a deferred income annuity with tax qualified funds was to meet a specific IRS mandated RMD rule by starting your guaranteed income payments when you reached age 70 ½. This changed after the ruling, and if your deferred income annuity now meets a couple of predetermined requirements (see section further down on this page), it can be defined as a Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract. This means that you could defer the beginning of your income payments to later in live, as late as 85 years. Additionally you could bypass the normal required minimum distribution rules on the funds that are allocated to your QLAC.

We can help you achieve guaranteed income and safety in retirement.


Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract Requirements

Requirement #1

During your life, you will not be able to allocate greater than 25% of your IRA (or $135,000, whichever is less) toward a QLAC. The $135,000 limit applies per person, not per couple, and will be adjusted for inflation in the future.

Requirement #2

You can begin payments at any age except later than age 85

A Fiduciary & State Licensed Annuity Advisor can help you find the best Qualified Longevity Annuities for free.

To compare Qualified Longevity Annuity products from carriers across the country, schedule a call!


Types of Annuities

Qualified Longevity Annuities
Potential for increased earnings.
But also more risk.

Qualified Longevity Annuities
Your investment grows based
on a guaranteed rate of return.

Qualified Longevity Annuities
Convert a lump sum of
money into a stream of income.

Qualified Longevity Annuities
Fixed Indexed
Potential for increased earnings based on index growth, with downside protection.